

随着过去六个月的公共交通工具,我们想和Camira.- 世界上最古老的运输纺织制造商之一 - 在大流行后铁路景观中获得他们的观点。




Camira:当然。我们在英国约克郡的英国纺织心脏地带的霍尔斯沃斯特成立于1822年,所以说我们在运输业的根源肯定是很好的。在整个19世纪,我们为Railcar Interiors创建了专业的羊毛Moquettes,并开始与伦敦运输的关系,从而继续持续!专业从事过去两百年的运输纺织品,我们致力于投资最先进的设备,开发开创性的新产品,并不断努力留在该行业的最前沿,这些行业扮演这种不可分割的部分我们公司的身份。


C:绝对地!虽然我们的总部和我们的核心制造工厂位于约克郡,但我们的覆盖范围是真正的全球 - 我们在美国,澳大利亚(英国),立陶宛的制造工厂拥有仓库和分销设施,我们与经销商合作在北美,梅,欧洲和亚太地区。平均而言,我们将我们的产品销售到全球80个国家,所以我们的纺织品在全球的铁路室内设计出现;从以色列到法国的各处,新西兰到洛杉矶,在铁路线上有一个Camira面料。


C:要记住的关键是,如在大多数行业,运输面料不断需要调整,创新和实际上 - 向前移动 - 从耐用性要求,易燃标准和审美偏好都是不断变化的,因此我们的纺织品必须满足这些新要求。

在Camira,我们真的为我们的适应性骄傲 - 在内部设计和技术创新团队,广泛的制造能力和我们自己的测试实验室,我们永远不会静止;我们努力确保我们仍然领先于曲线,以便我们可以预先抢先客户的需求。我们不断研究趋势,制定我们的技术能力和投资新设备,以确保我们的面料不仅适用于今天的市场,而且还为接下来的任何东西。

Camira Fabrics Hybrid Autonomous 002


C:Many people envisage that following the pandemic, operators will move towards ‘wipe clean’ seating covers, with hard plastic, vinyl and polyurethanes becoming the preferred choice, but we believe that there is a very bright future for natural materials to work alongside a variety of other complementary surfaces. Whilst research is still not certain, it is thought that viruses do not survive as well on fabrics as they do on frequently touched hard surfaces, such as plastics, laminates, metal and glass. On textiles, viruses can get trapped and therefore have reduced likelihood of spreading.

Alongside this, there’s a large amount of research which indicates that the use of natural materials within interiors is incredibly beneficial for our wellbeing – particularly in light of the recent focus on indoor air quality and the emission of VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) which can be harmful to human health – and this is something that rail operators are really considering when designing their carriage spaces. With wool being nature’s ultra-intelligent fibre type, it is a naturally low emitter of VOCs, and actually improves indoor air quality. These in-built health properties, combined with its sustainable nature and the textural and visual appeal of a wool fabric, make it a truly timeless choice for rail interiors – as popular today as it was when we started back in 1822!

卫生卫生 - 并保持安全 - 现在对旅行者,制造商和运营商的最重要的是,Camira如何适应这种增加的舒缓需求?

C:As the industry works to reassure passengers that it is safe to use public transport once again, we’ve made it our duty to educate our customers on how they can clean and disinfect our fabrics effectively, to ensure they know exactly which products to use on which type of upholstery. Our comprehensive guide to cleaning and disinfecting can be downloaded这里我们的团队总是很乐意进一步建议!他们可以联系[电子邮件受保护]


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